Monday, July 18, 2011


I'm a bit shocked by this, but at the same time not so much. Anything coming from anyone associated with O'Reilly is pure exaggeration, ignorance, disrespect, and blatant STUPIDITY. Anyway, to sum this all up, this is pretty much a Chris Brown bashing session. I understand the severity of the situation with him and Rihanna, but DAMN! That was not only like 2 years ago, between the two of them, and he paid his dues. If he was meant to be in jail right now, I'm pretty sure the judge would've put his ass there. Give him a chance. ESPECIALLY since none of us will ever know the whole story. Regardless, he's a talented individual..making a huge comeback which is pretty freaking amazing considering how many people hated him not long ago. I in no way condone his behaviour, but I don't think his talent should be questioned because of a stupid mistake. I don't see his success as "rewarding his bad behaviour". His success is a reward for obvious hard work.


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