
VBD is lucky enough to have contributors from all walks of life. Take a little looksy at their biographies to get to know them a little better!

Ojo Evelyn 
I’m super excited to be a contributor to this blog and I just want to say a few words about myself. My hobbies include writing, painting, drawing, knitting and sewing. I start a lot of projects that I don’t finish, but I don’t do anything unless it’s turned into a project, so it’s a bit of a conundrum. I’m a Health Science student from Brampton, Ontario, Canada studying at University of Ottawa. I might be a paediatrician one day but—if I’m perfectly honest—I just like to draw, design and watch reruns of my favourite TV shows. I also run
Thanks and enjoy Vida by Domo!

Angelina Ruiz
17, Bronx, New York

Photography helps me to find my voice. Through it, I try to capture all aspects of life. The heart of photography can sometimes lie in some of the overlooked details in life. One of my passions is photographing urban areas. Living in NYC, I believe that within the raw grit, lies beauty waiting to be discovered. This fall, I will be majoring in photography. I am very excited to be a contributor to this blog. I hope that through my love for NYC, I will be able to accurately capture all the inspiring fashion and trends that the greatest city has to