Friday, July 15, 2011


...of CLOOOOTHES! >=)

Thrifting. I can't get enough of thrifting. I mean, I don't see how anyone couldn't enjoy it. Sure you're going to be wearing previously worn clothes, but duuuh they invented washing machines for a reason. Not only is shopping thrift a penny saver, it gives you the opportunity to create your little butt off.

The clothes are cheap and often vintage or retro, so you have the freedom to shred, tear, sew, dye, stitch, bleach, WHATEVER and not feel like you're wasting your money. It's a practical way to upgrade your wardrobe and all the little DIY's you'll come up with are loads of fun. Not to mention, tons of the things you find are unique and can't be found elsewhere because they're vintage, it's always nice feeling like you have a one of a kind piece.

If you're ever looking for me, guaranteed you'll find me at Value Village, Talize, or The Slavation Army...don't bother looking at Urban Outfitters or American Apparel. UO and AA who?

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