Thursday, July 28, 2011


I finally went out and picked up the Nicole by O.P.I "textured coat" nail polish. I love it. This is the second colour combination I've done so far. I think I'm going to be addicted to this stuff!

Essie Blanc w/black Nicole texture coat & Essie Turquoise & Caicos w/silver Nicole texture coat.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Thrifting Guidelines

A lot of people are getting curious about thrifting, and so I thought I'd share some tips on how to make it work for you.

Thrifting Guide #1: Don’t thrift just for the sake of it
My university friend has been really intrigued by the fact that a lot of my wardrobe is second-hand. She marvels at my custom-tailored pants, oversized Grandma cardigans, and other vintage finds so much that she’s been asking me to tag along. We don’t have similar styles at all, but eventually I did take her to Value Village to get a quick taste of thrifting.

My favourite finds: a Nine West purse that doubles as a wallet (I seriously wear it everywhere); knit over-sized cardigans; cowboy boots, loafers and hiking boots; floral print slacks I tailored into harem pants and high-waisted '90s "Mom" jeans

I must say, thrifting just because it is a trend is not going to do you any benefit. For those of us dying to be unique or have a particular item that is not currently in style, thrifting is an awesome option. But for every printed blazer, striped slacks or woven leather shoes I pointed out, my friend snarled and scrunched her face at my poor taste. The pieces she was more into included solid blazers, which she did not like because they weren’t cut like the ones in stores—“They’re from the ‘80s!” I pointed out.

One of the best things to buy secondhand are accessories--bags, to be specific! Backpacks, handbags, satchels and clutches are all available in styles you never even knew you'd like.

The newest addition to my collection of bags: a floral print, leather lined handbag; Value Village, 2.99.

So here is my point: I think a lot of people like the price behind second-hand shopping, but not quite the style or having to search for items. The best way to combat this is to do your shopping at affordable chain stores (XXI, H&M, Winners, TJ Maxx, etc) then only resort to thrifting when you have a specific item in mind. Don’t thrift just because you want to say you did—you’ll only waste your money!

Posted by Ojo

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jersey Shore?

Do you love it? Hate it? Is it your secret guilty pleasure?
Choose your answer in VBD's latest weekly poll!
Vote on the right hand side above the blog archive! ^_^

Belles Tresses!

The entire concept of braiding hair has been twisted, flipped, intertwined and basically, completely revamped. From french braids, to dutch braids, to waterfalls, and lace braids...we've seen it all. For the past few years braided hairstyles have been super popular in high fashion and on the red carpet. Nowadays messy, unkept, and "bedhead" braids seem to be the IN thing. Some of them might look a tad TOO carefree, but for the most part, I love the sort of bohemian/hippie vibe they give off. I found a braidipedia (so they call it) online and I plan to teach myself a few new braiding techniques. I find they always come in handy on a lazy or bad hair day. I've compiled a ton of different styles for you to look through, try 'em out. Mind you, they might take a LITTLE bit of practice and HEAPS of patience to master!

These fascinate me...

I wouldn't typical go for something of this nature, but for some reason...these shoes catch my attention. I kinda want 'em...o.O

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Everyone seems to be loving bow-ties these days! From the guys...

To the ladies...

And even the dogs? =p

There are so many different and unique styles out there. A bow-tie can spice up a casual outfit or add a touch of class. It all depends on how you choose to rock it. They're funky, cute, and have made a comeback, showing up in more places than just on the traditional penguin tail tuxedo. Try one out for yourself!

Haha, tell 'em!

One of my favourites...

I'm in a mellow mood today. This song is very fitting...


Well clearly Kim K. swept this poll right up.

With a whopping 67% Kim is your favourite "socialite status" celebrity, Amber Rose with 17% and MY personal favourite, Cassie...following closely behind at 14%. I still love you Cass! =p

Keep posted for this week's poll, starting tomorrow!

Back to your scheduled program....

I apologize for my absence, but I shall be back full force tomorrow.

...well, whenever I decide to wake up. ^_^

Monday, July 18, 2011


Whoever came up with the whole flashmob concept...genius. I'm still planning on organizing one, ONE day. LOL They take a lot of work, but one day...I'll be a flashmob mastermind. =p
Anywho, enjoy these two!

p.s - The Apple store FM is my faaaaaaaave.


I'm a bit shocked by this, but at the same time not so much. Anything coming from anyone associated with O'Reilly is pure exaggeration, ignorance, disrespect, and blatant STUPIDITY. Anyway, to sum this all up, this is pretty much a Chris Brown bashing session. I understand the severity of the situation with him and Rihanna, but DAMN! That was not only like 2 years ago, between the two of them, and he paid his dues. If he was meant to be in jail right now, I'm pretty sure the judge would've put his ass there. Give him a chance. ESPECIALLY since none of us will ever know the whole story. Regardless, he's a talented individual..making a huge comeback which is pretty freaking amazing considering how many people hated him not long ago. I in no way condone his behaviour, but I don't think his talent should be questioned because of a stupid mistake. I don't see his success as "rewarding his bad behaviour". His success is a reward for obvious hard work.



I've been out and about and busy these past few days so my apologies for the lack of posts.
BUT, yesterday was my puppy's 5 month birthday. LOL, yes I celebrate by month until he's a year old! ^_^


The colours... *drools*

That clutch, ugh, love it. Yellow's my favourite colour and THAT is in fact my favourite shade of yellow. Someone find it for me! ^_^

Point blank, I'd kill for these shoes. That is all. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Believe me, I don't mean that how you think I do!

Well, TITS OR GTFO! is what I'd like to call my mini campaign (in the works) to fight and support breast cancer. I've always wanted to lend a helping hand to charity and I think it could be really fun.
My plan is to design fun, cute, t-shirts with catchy sayings and images on them to be sold online. Proceeds from t-shirt sales will then go to a charity for breast cancer research!
I'm really hoping to get the support of others on this project as well, so be on the look out for updates on that. This is one plan I intend on moving forward with, but as of now, there are no dates set in stone. SO, just keep TITS OR GTFO! in mind and be on the look out!

Friday, July 15, 2011


I need this in my life one day.....uuugggghhhh.

I swear this Audi has me so weak right now. -__-

Black & White - Photography by Angelina Ruiz

The lovely work of my new photography intern, Angelina Ruiz.

Mmmm, Starbucks! - Todrick Hall style that is...

Another Todrick Hall moment, this one has me REALLY craving some of this....

and this...

and this..

AND this.

Mmm, Starbucks. <3